Saturday, January 27, 2007

What if it was you?

I have four sisters and in class we discussed about the article :What's Different About Teaching in Urban Schools? We discussed that "students moral radar quickly identifies teachers who lack wholeheartedness, and such teachers lose credibility and trust." I have a twelve year old sister and last year her and one of her teachers were constantly having problems. My mother would blame her and say she needed to learn to her mouth close...mind you she is at the stage of when ever someone says something to her she has to reply with a her and the teahcer had some issues and every week it was a parent conference. I was seating down with her one day just trying to figure out what the problem is and she replied to me, "You dont understand she a races woman, she only picks on the black kids. We always get in trouble even when we dont do anything. I can tell you that every last one of has been to the principal, kicked out of class for some stupid reason." I was a little concerned and told my mother what she had told me the next day my mother spoke with a few other black parents in the class and they told my mother their child had said the same thing and yes they had had several conferences with this teacher also. A large conference was called with the parents, teacher and admin. Now it is a new year and these students including my sister have moved onto 6th grade and they are being investigated for their address they use to get into the school. We have been living at the same address for 12 years now and because my sister called this teacher a races woman in her face they have decided to remove her from the school at the end of this year. It was appealed and the board of ed thought that it was best that she do transfer and go to a school that my keep her a lot busier.She is a very intelligent girl so they are sending her to Whitney Young going to bus her there everyday. But my question is what if it was you, that they transfered out of your neighborhood school to go across town to a magnet school just for expressing what you feel is the truth? Do a student have a right to say those things if they feel that way about a particular teacher? Do you feel like any child should ever have to experience something like that?

1 comment:

Greg said...

I think your sister absolutely had a right to speak up. I've seen similar situations where students felt they were targeted or treated unfairly by teachers because of their race, but the students were afraid to speak up because they thought the administration would automatically side with the teacher. It seems that's exactly what happened in your sister's case. It's unfair that she had to transfer and that the school was able to push the issue under the carpet.