Friday, March 9, 2007

Bumper Sticker

I was driving home from ISU today, and I saw this bumper sticker:

"I work 40 hours a week to be poor."

I started to laugh, and then I remembered all we had been talking about and it actually made me sad. And then I started thinking about the person actually driving the vehicle. Was the person actually poor? Obviously he/she had a car. Then I had to think, what does that driver identify as poor? I mean, compared to the rest of the residents of Wheaton, my family is poor because we are working class. But we are by no means living in a one bedroom apartment sharing one car and barely able to afford the bills (ok, well maybe the bills are a struggle, but anyway...). So I guess poor is a realtive thing, and I would have liked the opportunity to actually talk to that driver and learn his/her understanding and definition of "being poor." Just wanted to share that wiht y'all. I'm hoping people still plan to read this! haha

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