Thursday, March 8, 2007

Language Discussion

To touch on a sensitive issue, I am curious to find out people's reactions and opinions about something that I heard recently. I was talking with my cousin the other day, and she told me something that she said really irritated her. She then went on telling me that the Disney channel had played the Premier of the second Cheetah girls movies in Spanish before they played it in English. Please..PLEASE do not jump down my throat when I say this, but that made me, I do not want to say mad, but for lack of a better word "mad." At this, I was just wondering what everyone else thought about this.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have siblings who are disney channel fanatics. And I know the situation, just to clarify a few things the reason they played the movie in spanish was for a few reasons. One, the movie itself takes place in Spain and there is a lot of spanish songs, and culture in it. And I beleive it may have come out around Hispanic Heritage Month (september). So i think Disney was just trying to add some kind of education to its channel.

But to touch on the larger issue of english only, or even the issue of English as the national language, my opinion is that English shouldn't be the national language. You are right, this is a very sensitive issue, but I just have a hard time beleiveing in the idea of choosing a language over others. I know our country was founded on english, but we are not a nation of one race or ethnicity. I guess I just think making english the national language is saying english, of all the languages spoken here, is the best language.