Friday, March 9, 2007

Dream Act

After class yesterday I was really interested in what we had discussed about the Dream Act. I might be in the minority on this, but I had never heard of this act before. (unfortunatedly im not up -to date on new policies that are pending.)I re-read the information sheet we got in class and I think that it was very much on target. It's terrible for hardworking students to be denied a chance at citizenship, therefore being excluded from some benefits that students that are already citizens do. To me, the crucial condition in this policy is that they must be good and hardworking students who have never gotten in trouble. The Dream Act states that these teenagers must haved lived more than 5 years in the United States prior to high school graduation. During this time, if they respected authority, were conscientious students, and showed moral responsibility, then I feel they are likely to continue in this pattern. I think it would be terrible for their schooling to have to end because they are not citizens. Also, this law would essentially grant them temporary citizenship and if they fullfilled their obligations, then they would be permanent citizens. I think that these are exactly the type of people we would want to become citizens. I don't think good people should be punished or at the very least give the kids a chance if they have already been working hard to prove themselves. Just some of my own thoughts but I would like to hear what everyone else's thoughts were on the Dream Act .-Have a good spring break everyone!

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